Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy Heart

This photo says so much to me. It says happiness. It says sacrifice. It says dedication. It says love.......

It says Family.

I never thought in a million years that my life would be the way it is this very day - so happy and full of joy. When we made that oh-so-big decision to move to Texas from California, I knew that what we were doing was going to benefit us, I just never knew how much the impact was going to have on my happiness. I am thrilled beyond words at the amount of happiness my life now brings me. My family is everything to me, would do pretty much anything for them and Emma has certainly brought that into the forefront. She reminds me everyday of why I was put on this earth and why I made that painful decision to uproot my family of 2 and relocate to a foreign state.

Not a day, no, scratch that, not a moment goes by that I am not thinking about Emma or thinking about how my actions will affect her either today or in the years to come. I'm out at a store and I see some little trinket, I think, Emma would love that. I see a new book that she doesn't have and I think, Emma would love to sit in her chair and flip through the book and listen to Mommy or Daddy read to her. I can't wait for her to grow up and to experience with her all the things that a little girl gets to experience. She reminds me everyday that its the little things in life that we should get excited about, that life is too short to worry about this or worry about that. Live in the moment. 

Emma - you are the center of Mommy and Daddy's world - thank you for allowing us to love you and thank you for being the best thing that Mommy and Daddy ever did. I love you with all my heart and soul.

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