Wednesday, August 25, 2010

2 Year Checkup

Today you had your 2 year check up - something that you enjoy oh so very much. I'm being very sarcastic. In the past you have enjoyed talking and interacting with Dr. Wheeler however, as you have gotten older, you are becoming increasingly aware of what Dr. Wheeler represents....the dreaded SHOTS. Even before we walk into the room, you cry hysterically. And you pretty much don't stop until we are in the car. And when I say hysterically, I mean crying like someone is really hurting you, holding you down and torturing you. It breaks my heart every time you have an appointment. We both usually end up leaving crying. I hate that I can't take that pain away but it is a necessary pain to help you grow up big and strong! Just know that I do it out of love. Now for the stats:
Height: 33.5 inches (50th percentile)
Weight: 24.5 pounds (20th percentile)

Everything checked out a-ok and Dr. Wheeler says that you are right on par for growing up a beautiful little girl. You only had to have 1 shot this time and you did surprisingly well with it. And the best part (even though you don't realize it now) you don't have to go back until your next birthday, an entire year from now! YAY!

Some other interesting facts about you at 2 years old:

Favorite Foods: Pasta, Anything with Cheese, Tortillas

Favorite Pastime: Being outside and walking Hawkeye in your red wagon. You also like to swing with either Mommy or Daddy. We will hold hands and swing you back and forth between our legs and if you are with Mommy, she then will swing you onto her bed. If you are with Daddy, he swings up into his arms and then twists you around in a full circle in the air. You want to do that over and over again. You also like to play with your cousins, K and M.

Favorite Movies: Madagascar 2 and Monsters vs. Aliens

Favorite thing to watch on the computer: Videos of airplanes taking off on YouTube and looking at pictures on Momny's Facebook

Favorite Toys: Books! You love to take your books everywhere you go and read. Some other favorites are your big blocks. You like to dump them out EVERYWHERE and make a big mess. You also like to throw balls back and forth. You love your bike and your baby doll that you received for your birthday.

Clothing Size: some 18mo and 24 mo. You can still wear 12mo if they run big!
Shoe Size: infant 4

Bedtime: 7:15pm during the week and 8pm on the weekends (we let you stay up a little later on the weekends - more time that Mommy and Daddy get to spend with you :) )

Hairstyle: You still don't like to have anything in your hair, you immediately pull it out. Mommy so desperately wants to be able to put things in your hair; it would make you that much cuter! Your hair is finally growing, which is very good. Poor thing spent almost the first 2 years of like with no hair!

You also are the best helper around the house. You feed Hawkeye every night, you help clean up your toys (sometimes!) and you like to throw things away in the trash.

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