Thursday, December 2, 2010

First Parent/Teacher Conference

We had our very first parent/teacher conference at Em's school yesterday and she had glowing remarks! I am one proud Mama! This is what her evaluation form said:

1. Sense of Self
Emma like to wipe her own nose. (How stinkin' cute is that???)

2. Social Relations
Emma plays with Bree everyday (Bree is Em's BFF and they do everything together.)

3. Creative Representation
Emma can look at the family connections and name who is in the pictures. (we have everyone in the collage, both sets of Grandparents (Great Nena too), All of the aunties and uncles (great aunties and uncles too), her cousins)

4. Movement
While on the playground, Emma like to run around. (she runs like crazy outside!)

5. Music
Emma loves to go see Mr. Vic on Thursdays. (She loves to dance and sing along with anything)

6. Communication and Language
When Emma is called to go outside she runs to the gate. (of course she does, that kid loves, loves, loves to be outside. Always has. Even when she was an infant, if she was upset or crying, we would just sit with her outside and she would calm right down. She definitely is a summer baby.)

7. Exploring Objects
While playing with the baby dolls, Emma knows some are different sizes.

8. Early Quantity and Number
Emma knows there is only one fish in the classroom. (and her counting is coming along very well!)

9. Space
Emma likes to find where the tricycles are on the playground.

10. Time
Emma knows the beginning of lunch starts after we wash our hands. (and boy is that kid totally motivated by food - she loves to eat!)

I'm so happy that she gets along with the other kids and really likes her teachers. Miss Kelsey and Miss Kaylee are always saying what a joy and good helper Em is....that's what I like to hear!

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